
The Translation team
The Translation team

The translation team at work

Linguistic team at work
Linguistic team at work

The linguistic team


- Translation of the Old Testament (ongoing)

- Linguistic research (ongoing)

- Promotion of Literacy and Scripture engagements (Ongoing)

- Research on culture (Marriages, birth and death celebrations, dances, morality, succession, naming etc)

- Development of a pedagogic grammar of Yamba

- publications (diary, Ruth, Jonah)


- volunteers to work on any of our projects

- volunteer literacy teachers

- Finances 

- Literacy classes (space to run one in your town or village)

Donations or support should be chanelled to:

Rev. Jumbuin Enock (Yaounde Field Pastor of the CBC).

Tel: 677534166

Your encouragement is valuable to us

Your stories help make websites like this possible.