This page is about some basic health information that will only act as guidelines and not replacing the hospital. As we strongly advise that people should consult a conventional doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment, we are suggesting some traditional herbs that can act as first aid for non complicated health issues.

Guava, lemon grass, and limes leave (representing limes)

Mvùu ŋgwavà, mvùu ŋgaŋ no, bə lèmu cəcʉəp

Local malaria treatment

Herbs combination for malaria treatment

1. Guava leaves

2. Lemon grass (fever grass) - scientific name: cymbopogon

3. Lemon or limes

These elements are washed and boiled together for about 10 minutes. Make sure the quantity of water is 5 litres.

Take a glass, seasoned (add) with 3 teaspoons of honey every morning and evening for 3 days at least.

If the situation does not change, consult a doctor immediately

king grass
king grass

The herb locally called ʼʼKing grassʼʼ

Runny stomach is a common problem nowadays caused by the quality of water or the type of food we eat. One may go to a party and eat a mixture of foods that can cause runny stomach. If this happens, do not panick. Just follow the steps below and solve the problem in just 30 minutes.

Directives: (how to use)

Pick a few leaves, wash and boil for 5 minutes. Drink half a glass once and your runny stomach will stop.

The herb "King Grass" is also used as a local remedy for gastric or heart burn and high blood pressure. Wash and chew a few leaves morning, afternoon and evening.

Many people suffer from either gastritis or high blood pressure. What has been suggested above is first aid. This should always be taken besides the conventional medicine from the doctor. 

king grass
king grass

Th herb locally called ʼʼking grassʼʼ

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