Arts and Crafts

The Yamba people are know for their skill in arts and crafts. Their prominent craft work is the farm basket commonly called  ʼʼŋkòkʼʼ. Though it is a Yamba products, the ʼʼŋkòkʼʼ has become popular among the neighbours of Yamba and beyond. 

When a typical Yamba woman is going on a trip, farm, or market, the ŋkòk is the immediate tool that is used. See more it Yamba arts and crafts below. 

A typical Yamba thatched house
Yamba baskets


The beautiful pictures you see depict the different components of arts, culutre and landscape of the Yamba people. Termed as the Switzerland of Cameroon, the panoramic view of the hills, valleys and arts is enough invitation for visitors to the area.


 One of the perculiarity of the Yamba people is the transmission of the arts skill from generation to generation as a way of life. An example is the little in the process of learning to weave the traditional basket ʼʼŋkòkʼʼ. 


Another interesting thing is the hanging bridge which is found in Ngung, Gom and Bom villages. It is facinating how these bridges are constructed. 

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The main traditional dance

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Male dance of Ngung called ʼʼmeikuruʼʼ

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Male dance of Ngung called ʼʼLʉ̀leʼʼ

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